The Village High Street
Head down to the local shops and maybe grab a coffee and a snack.Mrs Peabody’s Post Office
- Mrs Peabody, Mr Peabody, Peggy, Peter, Penny, Portia and Percy
- Mr Groucho’s Greengrocers and Mr Groucho
- Mrs Baker’s Bakery, Mrs Baker, Mr Baker and Biff Baker
- Ms Sherman’s Shoe shop and Ms Sherman
- Capuccino’s Coffee Stop, Cappicinno Cini and Carlo Cini
- PC Porridge’s Police Station, PC Porridge and PC Porridge on patrol in his police car
- Plus, Post box, Zebra Crossing, Wheelbarrow and Flowers
My Little World
Open your imagination to a new world of role play.
Meet the Baker’s,
Mr Groucho, Big Barry,
and PC Porridge.
Meet Firefighter Fergus,
Mountaineer Morgan
and Paramedic Pippa.
Meet Astronaut Felicity,
the Jenkins family
and the Xlargs!
Meet Santa, Rudolph, the
Beasleys and see Santa’s
air and lorry transport.
Meet Captain Erica,
Explore the terminal
and control the planes.
Meet the fairies
Unicorns, wizards
and join the fairy disco.